About Us
Woolwich is a community with a proud history of self-reliance and community spirit. The Woolwich Community Fund was created to honour that tradition and enable individuals and companies to make a lasting difference in enhancing the quality of life in our local community. We build endowment funds for a stronger community today and tomorrow.
We work in partnership with the KW Community Foundation in order to maximize the financial returns and streamline grant applications. This lets us ensure we maximize our impact for the community
As a charitable fund focused on Woolwich we work collaboratively with local organizations and people who work to meet needs. Since its inception in 2000 the Fund has granted $92,000 to over 30 organizations. Every year we review our priorities to ensure they grow along with the community.
Have a look at our Grant Stories to see the wide variety causes which have been assisted with the help of donors like you.
By creating a permanent endowment our Board ensures that support is there in our community not just today but long into the future.